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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Conservatives, such as Karl Rove and Cal Thomas, win arguments by making them up
The good thing about being a conservative commentator is that you can make outrageous statements, attribute them to your opponent, then easily win an argument, because you made it all up in the first place.We saw George “Frat-boy” Bush’s hatchet man Karl Rove do just that the other day in an address to the Conservative Party of New York City. He said that “liberals” saw the savagery of 9/11 and wanted to indict and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers. Did he offer one example of this? No. He couldn’t because nothing like that was ever said by anyone on the left. Cal Thomas repeated the same lie shortly after that statement was made. As proof Thomson pointed to “liberal organizations” such as which did appeal for “moderation and restraint in responding to the terrorist attacks.” Where’s the sympathy and understanding part of that statement? Many of us did make that statement and the reasons for that are apparent now.We didn’t want innocent people tortured or killed. We didn’t want countries invaded that had nothing to do with 9/11. We didn’t want legitimate dissidents, here a home, harassed in the name of “national security.” All of these things have happened. The results are that we are despised abroad by just about everyone. People abroad have forgotten 9/11 and they see Bush as about as moral as Osama bin Lauden. We have created more terrorists and there are people here at home that have completely lost faith in this government.Just the other night I saw Bush smirking on TV and bragging that we took the war to the terrorists. He has no relatives over there and neither do the people around him. So he has the will for the glory, while we provide our children’s guts to make it safe for old farts to drive gas-guzzling S.U.V.s and oversized pick-up trucks. So if you love your gas-guzzling vehicle, thank a vet.
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