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Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Memoirs of a Drugged-Up, Sex-Crazed Yippie: Tales from the 1970s counter-culture: Drugs, sex, politics and rock and roll
Once again I’m plugging my new book Memoirs of a Drugged-Up, Sex-Crazed Yippie. It takes the reader through the life of a 1970s counter-culture drug user. Mark Spies goes from casual pot smoking to habitual use of pharmaceutical narcotics and cocaine. Due to the changing sexual attitudes, Spies has several unconventional sexual encounters. The 1970s brought us the “Woodstock generation.” There was a sense of idealism that developed at the beginning and died at the end of that decade. Many counter-culture books focus on the 1960s, yet there are plenty of events in the 1970s that deserve attention. Nixon’s war in Vietnam and Cambodia dominated the news and affected America’s youth. Nixon’s war on drugs impacted the counter-culture life style. Then there was punk rock, disco, casual cocaine use and revolutions braking out around the world by 1979.With politics in the background, this book gives the reader a look at drug use and the difficult business of drug dealing. The drugs, sexual attitudes, music and politics made the 1970s what they were. Taken as a whole, this book will give some insight into the people and events of the 1970s counter-culture. The Author is a free-lance writer, living in Maize, KS. He is the author of War on Drugs/ War on People, published by Ide House, 1995, an expose of government corruption connected with the “war on drugs.” Otto has published numerous articles in magazines, journals and newspapers.For More information the book can be seen at The picture of it can be seen on the Barnes & website: or can also be purchased Direct from the publisher.
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