Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Thursday, August 31, 2006

The End of Suburbia

The new film, The End of Suburbia, explains why we are going to have to dramatically change the way we live in the next few years or this country will collapse. The media hasn’t told us and the politicians are willing to fight wars to preserve our way of life, which includes living way outside the city and using huge gas guzzling vehicles to travel to work, places of entertainment and stores.
Some important points of the film:
1. Developers name their new additions after species they have killed off. If a subdivision is called quail ridge, they killed off all the quail to build it.
2. Trucks not only take up a lot of fuel, they cause us to spend $ millions to maintain roads that can’t be bumpy or the products they ship will be damaged. Our trains are a joke compared to any rail road system in Europe.
3. At our standard rate of gas consumption, alternative fuels such as ethanol won’t work because growing the plants needed to make it, would leave little room left for growing food.

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