Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

How to make your own absinth

By SJ Otto
Commercial absinth is both a liquor that is distilled and infusion of herbs. But a drink tasting almost the same can be made by infusing herbs in alcohol or water. Here is how it is done:
Take on fight bottle, doesn’t matter what it is from, whiskey, wine, etc.
In that bottle mix in one pint of Everclear (or any brand of straight drinking alcohol) and one pint of tap water.
In one jar mix in:
One teaspoon of liquorish root.
One teaspoon of anise seed.
One anise star.
¼ teaspoon of fennel seed.
One teaspoon hyssop.
Put all ingredients in a jar and pour half the alcohol water mixture. Let it all steep for 24 hours or at least overnight.
In a second jar mix in a dash of angelica root.
Ad in one heaping teaspoon of Wormwood.
Ad in the rest of the alcohol and water mixture. Steep for three hours.
Put a funnel into the fifth bottle. Pour the alcohol-wormwood mixture over a coffee filter and into the fifth bottle. Throw the filter and the solid herbs away.
Next pour the liquorish herbs into a funnel and coffee filter into the fifth bottle. Take a second bottle of Everclear and pour until the bottle is full.
This mixture should taste just like commercial absinth.    
It should taste wonderful.

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