Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

This summer sucks

I spent my first day of summer searching for jobs. The economy sucks. I’m just one of thousands of suckers fighting over the scraps of jobs out there. The easy ones are taken about as soon as they appear in the ads.
So here I am facing a summer of not working. Wow…
Not working gives me time to notice how fucked up the world around me is. Here in Kansas there never is any slack cut to those who are in debt, just because they can’t find a job.
So here I am writing on a blog that gets way few readers than it did last year. So who even reads this shit?
Now I have time to fix the holes in my dream house, that I live in. I can watch “Leave it to Beaver” reruns and I can watch my grass grow.
I’ll keep applying for jobs because I have no choice and I’ll go crazy sit around without one all summer long.
Summer is here and all I can say is What the Fuck!

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