Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Friday, July 03, 2015

The 4th of July, firecracker day

by Otto
This year, as always, I will be setting off fireworks to mark the Fourth of July. I always buy plenty of firecrackers, sparklers and some kind of rockets. This year I ran out of bottle rockets and I haven't been over to the Missouri side of this state to get some. They are illegal here in Kansas. Still I can buy rockets, which I have done. We have firecrackers. We used to have M-80s and Silver Salutes. Those are now illegal, although they can be made out of firecrackers.
There is always the bar-b-qed meat, the beer drinking and all the other stuff of the fourth of July. Some people put up a flag. I put up an anarchist flag.

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