Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Today is the Summer Solstice!

We are influenced by the five elements of earth, water, fire,air and ether, both internally and externally. Evening Flow on June 21st will feature an asana flow for balancing the five elements in the body and mind. We will end with meditaion for intention setting for the summer season. Happy Solstice!!
This is a complimentary class!! Please join us. There will be drawings for free massage, yoga classes and more!!

—If you couldn't make it to the event above, here in Wichita, buy yourself some mead, build a small outdoor Solstics fire and have a few drinks. Oak leaf wine is good also. Enjoy the longest day of the year. -SJ Otto

And let's not forget the beauty of the drink of mead.....and in this case, Oak leaf mead....

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