Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


by yoko ono

Spring is in the air again.
All seeds on the planet are quietly starting to shine.
Ready to stretch, open and grow.
And I am thankful for another year added to my life.
So I, also, could grow and increase my understanding of life.
Walk with awareness. Dance with joy.
I am indebted to every one of you on this planet Earth.
Without you, I would not be here.
In gratitude, I would like to share an affirmation with you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
For a beautiful day.
Today is the beginning and the foundation
Of our exciting, interesting and magical life.
We are healthy and whole.
Every part of our body is rapidly rejuvenating, revitalized,
And healed.
We are energetic and powerful and wise,
We remember everything we need to remember.
We express and communicate ourselves clearly.
That which we wish to communicate,
To whom we wish to communicate
Spiritually, mentally, physically,
Vocally and verbally.
We make the right judgement, the right decision, the right move
At the right time, at the right place
For ourselves and others.
And make planet Earth an oasis for the Universe
For the highest good of all concerned, so be it.
Yoko Ono
20 March 2011

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