Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Monday, November 24, 2008

I want to shoot this whole day down

Yes I felt like a wacko and imagined I was getting back at all the assholes who fucked up my day.

I want to shoot this whole day down

By 史蒂夫・奥托
To the old fart to held up the line at Walgreens so long, I finally went to the film place to buy my ant-acids…..
Blam Blam Blam!
To the high school security cops who couldn't help me jump my car
(I left the light on all day) Here's one for you folks……
Blam Blam Blam!
To my car for not starting after I parked it – after I drive it a while to charge the battery…
Blam Blam Blam!
To my wife who poked around and made me late….
Blam Blam Blam!
To all the kids that give me a hard time at school….
Blam Blam Blam!
To all those who say "you brought some of this one your self!" and that includes me…
Blam Blam Blam!
Remember, this is just my fantasy. No real persons or objects where harmed while writing this poem.

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