Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Friday, May 30, 2008

RIP the Very Yellow One

I had my pet salamander since before I was married 25 years ago. This one was my favorite and I used him on several logos for my blog. I’ll be taking them off soon as he died yesterday and it seems inappropriate to use a dead friend. Maby I can make him into a silloute or cartoon as I have Mao and other historical figures, but he is dead and although he may not seem like much being just a small animal with a small brain, he was very friendly and I always enjoyed having him. He live a long time and I guess that’s what matters most. I got him from a fish bait store when he was a larva. He’s been a land pet for years now. 25 years is a good life for a salamander so I guess I should be grateful that I had him so long. He didn’t really have a name since he couldn’t read or hear. I guess I just refered to him as the Very Yellow One.

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