Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Friday, July 06, 2007

We have buildings and culture over 1,000 years old

Yes I was in New Mexico and I visited a park where the cave dwellers once lived and I go to walk into homes that have been empty for hundreds of years and yet these people probably lived there over a thousand years.
Their broken pieces of pottery were everywhere and soot still stains some of the ceilings after all these years. There are crevicies once used for maybe cooking, sleeping or for shrines. We can only guess.

The one bulding is small and has a window. I was probably
a look out center.

We visited an inhabited Indian village where many of the Indians live without electricity and try to maintain the old ways. This was our Indian Guide. She didn't actually live there, but she gave us the tour and explained all about the village. She said I could take her picture and I thought she was real cute. If I weren't a married man, who knows what could happen. Or maybe she really had not real interest in me. Anyway I got a great picture of her.

Yes Americans, we have ancient culture. In some places we treasure it and preserve it, other places we throw it away. I'm thankful for New Mexico's efforts to preserve these wonderful ruins and artifacts we saw while we were there.

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