Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Counter-culture Journals (文革)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

"Can You Pass The Acid Test?" coming soon

I have proofed my galleys and my book is now headed to the cover department. It may turn out to be different from the cover I've been using. That was just a tentative cover

Can You Pass the Acid Test?

A History of the Drug and Sex Counterculture

and Its Censorship in the 20th Century

The "acid test" was a name for large concerts, with groups such as the Grateful Dead, were free LSD (then legal) was available for those in attendance. The title of this book comes from a flyer advertising one such event. But the outbreak of LSD and marijuana in the 1960s was not the beginning of the drug counter culture as we know it today. This book presents examples of drug use and sex promoting cliques around music, magazines, newspapers, clothing and other forms of culture that countered the established norms and often brought about the government's wrath. This book is a comprehensive look at these counter culture trends from the 1990s back through the late 1800s. Here is a comprehensive reference book to songs, publications and objects of art that reflected the last century's counter-cultures as well as government and mainstream press attempts to censor them.

Soon I'll be joining the great ones

Kurt Vonnegut

Edgar Rice Burroughs

William Shakespeare

How do I get away with comparing myself to these well known people? It's easy. They're dead. They can't complain about it.

He he he!


This is a non-fiction book without explicit sex or debauchery. If you want to read those things, buy a copy of Memoirs.

I might write another sex book, eventually, but I need to come up with a story line first. It seems there are a lot of perverts that love to read.

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